- Do I have to draw you a picture? "现在你明白了吗?""要怎么和你解释,你才能听懂呢?"
- Do I have to draw a picture? Do I have to paint you a picture, or can you visualize this? 你明白了吗?你能想象得出来吗?
- Do I have to paint (you) a picture? "现在你明白了吗?""要怎么和你解释,你才能听懂呢?"
- I am a new student. What do I have to do? 我是新生。我得做些什么?
- Do I have to call a taxi at the rank all the time? 我总得在乘降站叫出租车吗?
- Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得改掉我的习惯?
- Jane: Do I have to put in liquor? 珍妮:我必须放酒进去吗?
- I am a new student. what do I have to do ? 我是新生。我得做些什么?
- No problem,but do I have to be a member? 没问题。我非得是会员吗?
- Here you are. Do I have to fill out a form? 给你。我必须填写这些表格吗?
- Do I have to share the book with a classmate? 我必须跟同学共用这本书吗?
- Do I have to sign a lease for a year? 我必须签一整年的合同吗?
- A: Do I have to pay in a lump sum? 要一次付清吗?
- Do I have to make a reservation? 我必须预订吗?
- Do I have to remind you yet again? 还需要我再次提醒你吗?
- No problem, but do I have to be a member? 没问题。我非得是会员吗?
- Is there a direct service, or do I have to change? 有直达的车吗,或者还是得换车?
- Do I have to lug those suitcase all the way to the station? 难道非要我把那些手提箱一直拉到车站去吗?
- I had to draw money out of the ATM. 我不得不从自动取款机里取钱。
- Do I have to sign a lease for an apartment? 我要租公寓需要签租约吗?